Shooting at: Bar Du Champagne

What some of you might know as Avobar, situated on Henrietta Street in Covent Garden, has been transformed into Bar Du Champagne. Unrecognisable as what it used to be, I felt almost transported to a Parisian cheese and wine bar when I got there. I love shooting at a new openings, hearing about how everything has come together and seeing the menu for the first time. We had a pretty long shot list to get through to get a good amount of content for social and press, much of which was supplied on the day as we were shooting on opening day!

I’ve popped a few of my favourite shots below; to give you a good idea of what it’s like to step into Bar Du Champagne.

Bar du Champagne Instagram

As seen in:

London Standard: Bar du Champagne: new Covent Garden wine bar dedicated to rare and unusual fizz

Hot Dinners: Bar du Champagne takes over from Avobar in Covent Garden

London on the inside: Bar du Champagne Is Bringing Bubbles to Covent Garden

Hardens : putting the fizz in Covent Garden

Yahoo: Bar du Champagne: new Covent Garden wine bar dedicated to rare and unusual fizz


Case Study: Sakebana Product shoot